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Tri-State/NYC, United States
Rekindling my love affair with beauty...mind, body and soul.


The Perfect Smile

Summertime photos are the best: pictures from graduations, parties, weddings... the list doesn't end. Keep in mind, one of the first things folks notice is your smile. Tyra Banks recommends you "smize." Basically, you smile with expression (it's all in the eyes). We totally agree and have other tips to ensure your smile is perfect!

Consult with your dentist to get options for a brighter whiter smile. They offer quick fixes that can change the look of your smile with beautiful results. Depending on how much time you have you can close gaps, straighten teeth or get rid of discoloration. An over-the-counter option to refresh a smile is SPRAY WHITE 90/$150. The kit brightens dull-looking teeth in a couple of minutes...literally. The no-mess two-step process includes a spray treatment that whitens with peroxide in 90 seconds.

For a DIY approach, a little baking soda will do just fine! Getting a picture perfect smile is easier than ever.

Tips for the Perfect Pictures:

1. Select the right shade of lip color. Lipstick with blue undertones make teeth look whiter.

2. Push your tongue against the back of your top front teeth to elongate smile (celebrity tip).

3. Don't smile too big to avoid gums from being overexposed.

4. Be sure to stand tall to lengthen the neck.

(Post inspired by NewBeauty/Summer 2011)

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